Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Road Trippin' Made Healthy!

This past weekend, Bracks, my brother-in-law TB, and my future sis-in-law Margo embarked on a road trip to South Carolina to watch two dear friends of ours get married.  
a Carolina road-tripping requirement.
It was a fantastic weekend, full of sun, good healthy decisions (including a 3.5 mile walk on the beach with Margo - effortless exercise is my favorite!), and lovely celebrations of love.  

Upon returning to DC, Bracks and I spent Memorial Day with my family - a perfect cap to a wonderful weekend!  

I was reviewing my favorite health blogs yesterday evening when I came across something that I oh-so-wished I had known about during our road tripping adventure this past weekend: 

Eat Well Guide's Travel Map

You plug in your starting and ending destinations, and it helps you find "local, sustainable, and organic food wherever you go."  Just look at the amount of amazing places along our route at which we could have stopped!

Ever since I have started focusing on a healthier life, fast food has lost much of its appeal to me - seeing as the healthy choices available are scant at best (even the ones that pretend to be healthy), and I usually end up feeling icky for hours afterwards.  This travel guide will be a game-changer for future road trips.  I can't wait to employ it soon!

Have any of you used this resource before?  Will you use it now?

I hope that you had a wonderful three-day weekend!

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